NEWOverhauled table update status - it's now way more informative - and can show in-progress updates.
NEWPinned search bar - when scrolled past, the search bar will now pin itself to the top of the page.
CHANGEHalved the time the page takes to scroll to the top of results after searching (0.5 sec from 1 sec).
CHANGE - APIThe search API will now return a HTTP 503 while drop tables are updating to prevent users receiving incomplete or inaccurate results.
FIXThere was an issue where the buttons for permalink and clearing searches were getting misplaced in some cases on smaller screens - this should now be fixed.
FIXFixed a typo in one of the search result notifications that had been there since day one and nobody noticed.
Major Update - 2021.01 - Exact Searches!
March 5, 2021
NEWSearches can now be set to be exact. Results returned will match the search term exactly. As with normal searches, casing is still ignored.
NEWSearches with exact search criteria is now supported by permalinks.
NEWWhen searching for multiple criteria, the user will be informed of any that do not return any results.
CHANGEThe maximum number of search suggestions presented to the user when typing a search query has been increased to 30 (up from 20).
CHANGERemoved unused code from the page's Javascript, saving approximately 2KiB overall.
CHANGERemoved unused entries from the page's CSS, saving approximately 1KiB overall.
FIXSearches may now be enclosed in quotation marks ("), allowing for better search support for items containing commas.
FIX - APISame as the above, but at an API level.
FIXFixed the "Permalink Search" button not being correctly removed when all input is removed from the search box.
FIXInformational notices for the previous search are no longer removed when typing into the search bar or changing the search type.
Minor Update
12 October, 2020
FIXFixed an issue where the page would become unresponsive if the initial load was during an API outage.
FIXFixed an issue where failed serches (due to API outage, for example) were not providing the user with any feedback.
Minor Update
14 August, 2020
FIXImplemented code to prevent users from being stuck on a non-functioning page due to untimely browser cache expirations.
FIX - APIFixed multiple issues with the API and certain search criteria.
Minor Update - 2020.03
March 21, 2020
CHANGENotifications for page updates and API errors have been changed to be more visible over page notifications (especially true for the update notification).
CHANGEThe Navigation bar has been tweaked to give the page a little more visual depth (ELI5: We added a shadow).
CHANGEThe changelog modal has been tweaked to use slightly more vertical height to help with long changelogs.
FIXFixed Aliases with long names having the name overlay the text displaying the Alias' value.
REMOVEDThe modal that popped up when an update was available has been removed as it was too intrusive.
Major Update - 2020.02
February 16, 2020
NEWHolding Shift when clicking a search suggestion will now add it to the query and allow the user to continue searching.
NEWHolding CTRL will do the same as the above, but will also preserve the current suggestion list.
NEWSearch Suggestions will now appear for additional item names in the search query instead of just the first.
NEWAdded "Search Aliases" that allow users to easily search for groups of items (for example: Parazon mods).
NEWClicking the button to permalink a search query will now automatically copy the URL to your clipboard for easy pasting.
NEWSuggestion Item-typing can now be limited by selecting its type from the dropdown menu on the left side of the search bar.
NEWItems that have entered the Prime Vault will now display the "Vaulted" badge in the Top/Popular search lists.
CHANGEThe number of search suggestions has been increased to 20 (from 10).
CHANGEThe minimum number of characters needed to generate search suggestions has been decreased to 1 (from 3).
CHANGEThe changelog's format has been changed to a more to-the-point layout, making it easier to understand what's been changed without having to read long-winded paragraphs.
CHANGE - API"Sortie" now has a RealType of "Mission".
FIXThe search suggestion dropdown should now always be correctly aligned to the same length as the search box.
FIXRemoved the custom CSS from the scrollbar in the search suggestion list to improve visibility.
FIXOther page elements should no longer appear over the search suggestions list when hovering over them.
FIXBlank and 0-length search terms are now removed from search terms.
FIXFixed terms with long names in the bottom sections breaking page layout.
FIX - API"Aura Forma Blueprint" now has a RealType of "Item".
FIX - API"Day Of The Dead Sigil" now has a RealType of "Sigil".
Old style change log follows below
Jan 16, 2020 It's been a while...
Sortable Columns Columns in search result tables can now be sorted! Simply click the header of the column you want to sort to toggle between asceding and descending!
Less Wasted API Calls This technically went live a while ago, but the page will no longer attempt to populate the "popular" and "recent" searches lists if the users opens the page via a permalinked search.
Table Update Status This also technically went live a while ago, but the page will now display the last table update status next to the last update time above the search box. If something goes wrong - where applicable - it will also display what went wrong.
Jul 2, 2019
Automatic Table Updates Previously, if there was a drop table update, users would have to refresh the page to get the updated tables, not any more! Every 30 minutes the page will check for table updates and, if found, will update required data in the background without the need to refresh the page! Note: this does not effect any currently displayed search results.
May 22, 2019
Overhauled Homepage In an attempt to make the homepage here slight more new-user friendly, we've included popular, recent, and some random searches to the homepage that new (or old) users can use to explore the world of Warframe's drops.
April 15, 2019
Fixed an issue that was causing the page to display as ready even though the request for item names still hadn't been completed yet.
More drop data! We've added just about everything we were missing - yes, that includes mission rewards - to the drop data API. If we're still missing something, let us know!
Varying column widths We've managed to convince the table columns (specifically the name one) to behave more orderly and stop displaying at random widths. If you see any misbehaving, let us know and we'll dicipline them accordingly.
Informational alerts We've added some alert displays for searches that contain confusing information, such as what exactly is a "Region Resource", or what's a "(Special)" Eidolon? Some searches may display multiple at once. Be sure to checkthemout!
Many, many fixes We've made a whole bunch of tweaks and fixes to the page, the code and the backend. Far too many to list here.
April 10, 2019 (Slightly) less ugly
More than just a search box We've made changes to how the page looks so now it is less of a "single search box on a blank page" kind of look.
Large search lag optimisations We've made changes to help alleviate some of the lag users were getting when doing multiple large searches in a row. It's still not perfect, and we'll continue to look for optimisations, but it's a lot better than before.
Loading spinners When a user first opens the page a loading spinner will now appear instead of the search box while API data is collected. This should stop users having an unfunctional search bar if API responses take a while.
Loading spinners 2: electric boolagloo We've added a small "loading spinner" when a search is in progress. It's not much, but it shows the user that something is happening on larger searches.
Clear search changes The clear search button will now remove results from previous searches.
Tooltips! Tooltips have been added. Some are just "help" tooltips, while others display the odds of getting a specific drop (hover over the percentages in the "Effective Drop Chance" column)
April 9, 2019 Hello World
Initial Release! Pretty self-explanatory. The initial release of this page!